**Mission · Open Roles · Our values · Perks & benefits · About Our Team**


We’re on a mission to build the future of Enterprise AI, and we need your help.

Remember the first time you used AI to make your job easier? That moment when ChatGPT drafted up an outline of your marketing plan, or Github Copilot wrote a bit of code that you had been putting off. Remember how magical that felt? If we’re successful, we will help millions of employees experience that feeling on a daily basis.

Our goal is to equip enterprises with products that free their team from manual tasks and unlock opportunities for more engaging, fulfilling work. We’re starting with intelligent data extraction and automation tools, helping companies move beyond tedious paper and email workflows and turning them into modern enterprises.

We’re laser-focused on reshaping how these businesses operate globally, and we want to work with a team that is diverse, thoughtful, and driven. We hope you do as well.

Now is an incredible time to join — we're still small, we have record-breaking traction 📈, and everyone makes a foundational difference. Interested in learning more? Check out open roles below ↓

Open Roles

Founding Product Engineer

Founding AI Engineer

Founding Designer

Founding Forward Deployed Engineer

Our values

Quality and speed

We work with large enterprises who expect us to work both quickly and with high quality — to do this, we ship small features quickly to keep momentum and keep our standards high.

Have fun